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Industry Insider: OverWatch Tactics

I’ve had multiple discussions with the guy over at OverWatch Tactics by the name of Soto. This is his baby and you can tell, based off the conversation he enjoys putting on a great event for the people he creates magic for. I was able to go to the Conquest of Avalon event, their biggest event, and I was blown away with the amount of fun I was having. This isn’t your traditional airsoft event company, I will have Soto tell you more.

  • Can you tell the readers a little bit about your company? (what services you provide)

We are Overwatch Tactics an Airsoft/Milsim themed based Event Company. One of our most famous event is The Conquest of Avalon at a Active Renfaire. Another Event is our Division 2 themed Event based on the Ubisoft game.

  • In your opinion, do you think that Covid has helped or hurt the industry you provide your services to? (In what ways?) 

2020 was a big kick in the JEWELS! Lol We had to cancel 2 of our events and lost our Local police contracts due to Covid.

Covid definitely hurt the industry. Between shipping and china suppliers it has made having our usual consumables harder to get.

  • What makes your company different than the ones that do the same exact thing in the industry?

Our Company is Objective based with Amazing props that go with the theme of the AO. Our Flow and Game plays are Dynamic!!

  • What makes you want to keep doing what you do in the community?

The memories that we help players and their teams create. Taking a break from your daily duties and making amazing memories with your battle buddies, while getting to shoot at people during the game and not get in trouble lol!!

  • Upcoming events and/or amazing AO’s your company have on the calendar? 

May 1-2 2021 we have a Division 2 themed Event at D-Day field in Wyandotte OK, November will be our Conquest of Avalon Event in Waxahacie Tx.

  • Where can people reach out to you?

You can find us on Overwatchtactics.com / Instagram / Facebook