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Player Spotlight – February 2023 – Julio Ortiz

What is the player spotlight page about? Essentially I want to highlight airsofters in the community that are having fun, enjoying themselves and share different airsoft experiences. The purpose is to get us all to understand, we are all weirdos looking to just have fun playing with toys. So go ahead and share a bit of your airsoft journey with the rest of us. This is a judgement free zone. If you would like to submit yourself, please CLICK HERE

Julio Ortiz

Location (City/State/Country)
Rochester, New York, USA

Favorite Field (Name of Field and Location)
Rivercity airsoft. Hamlin Ny

Why did you get into airsoft?
Was battling with bipolar depression when I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole and found airsoft. Watched it for weeks before deciding to try it

Favorite weapon you dominate the field with?
My m4 with trusty tm hicapa

What is something positive someone has done for you in airsoft?
With dealing with mental health issues. I think the warm welcome I got from everyone. When I was just learning. People helped with gun issues. Even gave me parts..

What is something positive you have done for someone in airsoft?
I’ve given away gear. Thrown affordable events. With free raffles at the end. I help any player in need. I try and be the best person I can be on the field

What do you think needs to be improved on in airsoft?
People attitude. Because at the end of the day it’s just a nerdy larpy game we all play. The goal is to have fun.

What is the best part of airsoft for you?
The people. It’s amazing talking to people you would’ve never interacted with.

Instagram manik_airsoft