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Player Spotlight – March 2024 – Daelyn Wise

What is the player spotlight page about? Essentially I want to highlight airsofters in the community that are having fun, enjoying themselves and share different airsoft experiences. The purpose is to get us all to understand, we are all weirdos looking to just have fun playing with toys. So go ahead and share a bit of your airsoft journey with the rest of us. This is a judgement free zone. If you would like to submit yourself, please CLICK HERE

Daelyn Wise

Location (City/State/Country)
Holbrook, New York, USA

Favorite Field (Name of Field and Location)
Strikeforce Sports New York

Why did you get into airsoft?
I saw tons of clips growing up and tried paintball but then I finally went to strikeforce with my friends and instantly fell in love with the game after that I have gotten many of my friends into the sport.

Favorite weapon you dominate the field with?
My APS Phantom make VI

What is something positive someone has done for you in airsoft?
The experience players would give me great advice on how to improve my play style and just how to enjoy the game they told me not to take it so seriously and just have fun.

What is something positive you have done for someone in airsoft
I like to help the new people who are scared to go out of span and actually play because they don’t want to get hit, once I help them understand it’s a part of the game and you have to get used to it they go out and have tons of fun.

What do you think needs to be improved on in airsoft?
Something that I think needs to be improved with airsoft is the avalibilty of it to people because we’re I’m from there are only two fields and they are both over half an hour from me . That makes it hard coordination with my friends who’s going to drive us there and back.

What is the best part of airsoft for you?
The best part of airsoft for me is meeting new people. The best and worst parts about airsoft are the people you play with but once you find that group of people to play with the game become so much more enjoyable for you.