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Player Spotlight – January 2024 – John Yanch

What is the player spotlight page about? Essentially I want to highlight airsofters in the community that are having fun, enjoying themselves and share different airsoft experiences. The purpose is to get us all to understand, we are all weirdos looking to just have fun playing with toys. So go ahead and share a bit of your airsoft journey with the rest of us. This is a judgement free zone. If you would like to submit yourself, please CLICK HERE

John Yanch

Location (City/State/Country)
Smithtown, NY, USA

Favorite Field (Name of Field and Location)
Strikeforce Sports NY

Why did you get into airsoft?
My cousins were really into airsoft and I started off playing outdoors in the woods of our summer house. A couple years later a group of my friends asked me to come play at strikeforce with them and I immediately knew that I loved playing the game. I’ve been playing ever since.

Favorite weapon you dominate the field with?
Elite Force CQC And lancer tactical Hi-Capa Challenger

What is something positive someone has done for you in airsoft?
When I first started playing the whole community was very welcoming and helped me learn the game.

What is something positive you have done for someone in airsoft?
I like paying forward what others have thought me to new players. My main goal is to help them enjoy playing and expand the community.

What do you think needs to be improved on in airsoft?
Honestly. If you are hit just call it. That’s how the game works. Everyone would get along if they were less toxic towards each other.

What is the best part of airsoft for you?
Making new friends and making memories as I play.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@RuxshingCQB?si=8z4-wl3e-Xv8Dr2l

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rushingairsoft?_t=8j7KjloqwUU&_r=1