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Player Spotlight – October 2022 – Cody Tidwell

What is the player spotlight page about? Essentially I want to highlight airsofters in the community that are having fun, enjoying themselves and share different airsoft experiences. The purpose is to get us all to understand, we are all weirdos looking to just have fun playing with toys. So go ahead and share a bit of your airsoft journey with the rest of us. This is a judgement free zone. If you would like to submit yourself, please CLICK HERE

Cody Tidwell

Location (City/State/Country)
Summertown, Tennessee, USA

Favorite Field (Name of Field and Location)
Extreme Airsoft / home field Nashville Airsoft

Why did you get into airsoft?
I spent 8 years in the Marines and really wanted to carry on my training and knowledge to the new generation. Also, I played paintball for 6 years b4 the Marines and loved it! Found airsoft and all the pieces fell into place.

Favorite weapon you dominate the field with?
Tokyo Marui MP7 with a BINGO HPA drop in kit.

What is something positive someone has done for you in airsoft?
Tough one…. I would say the community as a whole has been very positive and supportive. So many have been so good to me it’s hard to point just one out.

What is something positive you have done for someone in airsoft?
I have done a couple giveaways to help new airsofters get into the sport. I also help a lot with Hi Capa repairs, builds, and questions to anyone that asks.

What do you think needs to be improved on in airsoft?
The image. There is too many cheater or fight videos on the web and it shows a bad image. There is sooooo much more good than the bad.

What is the best part of airsoft for you?
The people!!! I have met so many people! I have added a plethora of new names that I can call great people. Other than that getting to know everyone and their backgrounds and our differences yet we all stay together and respectful all for this great sport

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@Houdinii Airsoft YouTube