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Player Spotlight – April 2023 – Cristopher Villanueva

What is the player spotlight page about? Essentially I want to highlight airsofters in the community that are having fun, enjoying themselves and share different airsoft experiences. The purpose is to get us all to understand, we are all weirdos looking to just have fun playing with toys. So go ahead and share a bit of your airsoft journey with the rest of us. This is a judgement free zone. If you would like to submit yourself, please CLICK HERE

Cristopher Villanueva

Location (City/State/Country)
Lawndale, California, USA

Favorite Field (Name of Field and Location)
Project N1 California

Why did you get into airsoft?
I got into Airsoft because of my brother, he introduced me it to it(he’s 11 years old) and from there I got obsessed and watched SYG videos and then we’ll, deemoe and Daniel yung gave me the inspiration for speedqb, I’ve been in love since

Favorite weapon you dominate the field with?
I favorite weapon for me to use on a field is my hi Capa but it’s not shooting the best so as of right now I use my KWA eve 4

What is something positive someone has done for you in airsoft?
Became my friend, gave me tips, helped me get on my first team and a friend of mine let me borrow his hpa set up. Little things like that add up for me and honestly something small is something big in itself.

What is something positive you have done for someone in airsoft?
I’ve given someone a bottle of green gas when they needed it, I’ve also given tips to people introduced them to the sport. Personally I haven’t done a lot just because of my personal position but I wish to do more.

What do you think needs to be improved on in airsoft?
I think verity and risks is what needs to be improved in Airsoft, look milsimers and speedsofters will always fight, there will always be kids spamming grown adults or kids with bb’s, it’s just gonna happen. But I think Airsoft companies taking risks in trying to make something else, we need verity, right now go to any field i guarantee 90% players are using either m4’s or hi capa’s. So that’s what I’d like to see be improved

What is the best part of airsoft for you?
Honestly the best part of Airsoft for me is I get to express myself completely, be who I want while doing what I love. I don’t get much personality to me outside of Airsoft, so to have amazing friends that I can be myself with is very nice.


